A-Z Colleges

The colleges are regarded as the Cinderellas of the university world but they  are part of it, sharing the same funding mechanisms and quality control systems.  They offer degrees, often in specialist subjects; some have their own degree  awarding powers at various levels; and most are designated as specialist  institutions.

Most colleges are smaller than universities, which means students get a more  intimate atmosphere. Drop-out rates tend to be lower than in the university  sector and employment rates are good.

Bath  Spa University College | University  of Birmingham, Westhill | Bell  College | Bishop  Grosseteste College, Lincoln | Bolton  Institute | Arts  Institute at Bournemouth

Buckinghamshire  Chilterns University College (BCUC)

Canterbury  Christ Church University College | Central  School of Speech and Drama | Cheltenham  and Gloucester | Chester  College | University  College Chichester | Cumbria  College of Art and Design

Dartington  College of Arts

Edge  Hill College of Higher Education | Edinburgh  College of Art

Falmouth  College of Arts

Glasgow  School of Art

Harper  Adams University College

Kent  Institute of Art and Design | King  Alfred's College, Winchester

Leeds  College of Music | Liverpool  Hope

Newman  College | University  College Northampton | The  North-East Wales Institute | Northern  College of Education | The  Northern School Of Contemporary Dance | Norwich  School of Art and Design

Queen  Margaret University College

Ravensbourne  College of Design and Communication | Rose  Bruford College, South- East London | Royal  Academy of Music | Royal  Agricultural College | Royal  College of Art | Royal  College of Music | Royal  Northern College of Music | Royal  Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

Southampton  Institute | The  College of St Mark and St John | St  Martin's College, Cumbria | St  Mary's College, Strawberry Hill | St  Mary's University College | The  University of St Martin, Lancaster | Stranmillis  University College, Belfast | Surrey  Institute of Art & Design, University College | Swansea  Institute of Higher Education

Trinity  and All Saints College | Trinity  College Carmarthen | Trinity  College of Music

Welsh  College of Music and Drama | Westminster  College, Oxford | Wimbledon  School of Art | University  College Worcester | Writtle  College

York  St John College

Written by Lucy Hodges, who specialises in writing on higher education for  The Independent.