
Governing  Bodies/Societies/Instutions/Associations

  • Association of Investigative Journalists
  • Association of Publishing Agencies (APA) professional body representing the customer  magazine industry

  • Commonwealth Press Union main aim is to  protect the freedom of the Press.
  • National Union of JournalistsThe NUJ is the world's largest journalists' union, with over 25,000  members in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. It is affiliated to the TUC,  and the GFTU in the UK.
  • Newspaper Publishers Association Ltd, 34 Southwark Bridge  Road, London SE1 9EU Tel: 0171 928 6928 Fax: 0171 401 2428
  • Newspaper Society The association which represents and promotes the interests of  Britain's regional and local newspaper publishers.
  • (The) Paper Federation of Great Britain, Papermakers House,  Rivenhall Road, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7BD Tel: 01793 886086 Fax: 01793  886182
  • Retail Newsagents, National Federation of, Yeoman House,  Sekforde Street, London EC1R 0HD Tel: 0171 253 4225 Fax: 0171 250 0927


  • Daily Newspaper enables  people to read the national tabloids and local newspapers all in one place.

  • Media UK Newspaper  Index

National  Newspapers

Regional Newspapers