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Farnborough is listed in Domesday as Ferneberga (i.e. Fern Hill) but it remained a village until the mid-nineteenth century and the establishment of the military camp at Aldershot. This produced the South Farnborough shopping centre of North Camp, but Farnborough itself expanded after the transfer of His Majesty's Balloon factory to Farnborough in 1906. From such humble beginnings The Royal Aircraft Establishment (R.A.E.) has become the centre for aviation research and development.

Post-war growth has produced the rapidly expanding residential districts of Cove and North Farnborough, whilst the nucleus of the old village is the present-day Farnborough Street. The Imperial Mausoleum of St. Michael's Abbey was built by the Empress Eugenie as a memorial to her husband, the Emperor Napoleon III, and her son, the Prince Imperial, whose remains are now to be found in the crypt. The oldest parts of the parish church date from about 1200 and the parish registers start in 1584.


Access by Public Transport

Farnborough has a BR Station and public Bus Services operate frequently within the town and surrounding area.

