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Cockington is a Domesday Book traditional country estate, complete with manor house, church, formal gardens, village, water-wheel, woodlands, meadows and pasture. It is famous for its well-kept thatched cottages and pleasant environment, right on the edge of Torquay and only minutes away from the busy sea-front. It is also now becoming well-known as the home of quality craftsmanship with the rebirth of Cockington Court, the old manor house, as a Craft Centre. Here resident craftspeople produce high-quality craftwork from their studios. The Trust owns the freehold to the world-famous Cockington Village, including its thatched Forge and the Lutyens-designed Drum Inn.

From Scadson Woods, or from the seafront at Livermead, or even from the Ring Road, you can walk into Cockington and explore its 10 km/6 m long network of country footpaths and horse-riding routes.

It's a landscape full of surprises and views over Torbay, with wildlife and history to match. The Visitor Centre and Cockington Court have details of all the different activities to choose fromsuch as guided walks and gardening courses. Much of the Cockington parkland is easily accessible in a wheelchair.